2024 Shrimp Feed





Online ticket sales for the Italian Society event that you have requested are sold-out. 

However, there may still be limited ticket availability through our over-the-counter sales outlet.  Please contact:

Kristi Winter
Manassero Insurance
(209) 223-2551
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
255 New York Ranch Road
Jackson, CA  95642

Most of the Italian Society’s dinners and other events provide for “assigned” seating, and

we want to make sure your group is all seated together.  

Contacting Kristi Winter directly, by telephone or e-mail, assures the most flexibility and best experience for your group. 

All ticket sales must be paid in advance, but tickets can be held for “will-call”,  if distance from your location is an issue.